The Elkstone
Hedge Fund
Your Access to Uncorrelated Returns
Why Invest
Diversification is critical and more essential than ever.
Uncorrelated strategies
Deliver uncorrelated strategies that are hard to find.
Complement and improve a traditional equity and bond portfolio.
Elkstone can deliver access to niche managers where our larger peers cannot.
Niche managers
Our Hedge Fund Strategy
It’s difficult to be uncorrelated to the traditional asset classes when you are investing large sums in those same markets you are trying to be uncorrelated to.
Elkstone utilizes the hedge fund structure to access strategies and markets that the rest of a total portfolio cannot reach. Our goal is to successfull be uncorrelated to the traditional asset classes by being involved in difficult to access strategies and inefficient markets that are fundamentally unrelated to the core markets.
Traditional portfolio integration
Hedge Funds are a structure not a strategy
Provide portfolio diversification
Overview in Numbers
Underlying Funds
Target Sharpe
Target Return Annualised
Correlation to Equities